Grocery Store:


Customer's Name:
Patrick McKenna

Palisades Funding

9595 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 801 Beverly Hills, CA 90212
Thank you for a great first year with the Cartvertising branding program. In addition to renewing my current position I just added a second to expand my reach. I hear clients say they saw me on the carts all the time and I know if my current clients are seeing it, so are my new potential clients. Even though you told me it’s very difficult to track, I know I started receiving more calls right away. By the third month I was averaging 3-5 more calls per month and my ad literally paid for itself within the first 2 months! A funny story to share... I was standing in line behind a mother and child. The kid was about 4 and kept staring at me. He got his mom’s attention and point at me, “Mommy, that man is famous!”. The mom turned to look at me and I smiled, pointed to the shopping carts and shrugged. We both had a chuckle about it. You can bet she’ll remember me! I look forward to another year of stellar growth, helped in part, by you and Cartvertising.
Patrick McKenna
Palisades Funding
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